Your body is constantly communicating with you. Are you paying attention?

The Body Is Selfless

Have you recently taken the time to listen to what your body is telling you? I don't mean figuratively, but rather through sensations, impulses, or intuitive guidance. Are you, for example, aware of the subtle changes in your body from time to time? In general, how do you take care of your body? With which attitude: compassion, nurturing, or contempt? The intent is not to make you feel guilty, but rather to help you recognize the nature of your relationship with your body.

The breath and the beating of our heart are constantly providing for us through our body. Receiving no instructions from outside of us, these processes occur tirelessly and effortlessly. No matter if we are awake or asleep, they are precise and operate as intended. So much is given by the body, yet nothing is requested in return. We should show our body the same love and care that we would give to a child or a loved one. Showing how much we care for our body involves treating it with kindness.

Have you ever considered, for instance, the complexity of your body's innate wisdom? At your next meditation session, take a moment to focus on your breath and observe its unending, consistent flow. It continues even when you're asleep, showering, or walking. Every cell in your body is nourished all the time by the rich oxygen provided by your breath. No effort on your part is required for it to happen. Occasionally, the body may function abnormally, yet even in such cases, it is still striving to restore itself and satisfy your requirements. The body is therefore selfless and gives of itself without expecting anything in return.

Pay attention to the signals your body is sending.

To consider an idea: one must learn the language in which their body communicates its quiet whispers. Because of this, it is essential that we cultivate a strong connection with our body and pay attention to the signals it sends us. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what our body is trying to tell us, especially when we live a hectic lifestyle. This can be a call to slow down, connect with our body more often, and listen to the quiet intuitive impulses. Perceiving the sensations and messages the body is sending and listening to them with openness is required. A headache might be experienced if you're in a crowded place and surrounded by unfamiliar people, for example. Instead of disregarding or accusing your body of being delicate, pay attention to what the headache is attempting to convey. Could it be a sign that your body is uncomfortable in an unfamiliar setting? Because of this, it is essential that we cultivate a strong connection with our body and pay attention to the signals it sends us. Pay attention and receive without making any judgments.

The saying goes, "If you heed your body's whispers, you won't have to endure its screams." The implicit message here is that the body conveys its thoughts in subtle ways. The body may result in pain, illness, or disease if we dismiss the messages it is trying to send us in order to get our attention. Nowadays, many people use wearable devices that give them data on how their body is functioning similarly. They are limited, though, in that they cannot discern what the body is feeling. The body perceives emotions before the brain has time to register them, which is why this is the case. Our environment's subtle changes can be picked up by its energy field and communicated to us.

What are your thoughts on this so far?  By providing what it needs, a two-way relationship is fostered. You might, for example, feel tired but decide to persist with your work until you are completely worn out. By tuning into the wisdom of your body, you can take a small nap and come back to your work feeling rested. I agree that, at times, we are overwhelmed by the pressures to get things done. Take a moment to consider if you are allowing yourself enough time to heed your body's requirements.

The truth is known by your body.

Develop the skill of listening to your body. Give it frequent expressions of gratitude for its tireless efforts. It sounds less crazy than one would think. People I know, for example, talk to their plants, and the plants grow and flourish. I have no evidence to indicate if talking to plants is effective. Give it frequent expressions of gratitude for its tireless efforts. Ultimately, your body is a vessel for your life's journey. It sounds less crazy than one would think. Because there could be important messages it wishes to convey, we must listen to the body when it speaks.

In other words, the body can tell us how we truly feel if we take the time to listen to it. Mindful meditation can help us to delve deeper into this practice, here. We can practice this by sitting in silence, focusing on our breathing, and paying attention to various parts of our body. When working with coaching clients for the first time, I recommend this practice. I invite them to start with three minutes of meditation and progressively extend the time to create a ritual. It should not be seen as a chore, but rather something they will come to enjoy. We spend so much time grooming, cleaning, and fixing our bodies after all. Adding 5 or 10 minutes to our day to be in silence makes sense. Mindful meditation can help us to delve deeper into this practice, here. Without attempting to control or push away any emotional disturbances, we tune in to them and welcome them. We then invite them to attend and hear any messages they may be trying to communicate.

It is commonly known in mindfulness circles that, although the body is always in the present moment, the mind tends to remain stuck in the past or preoccupied with the future. By focusing on our breath and being mindful of the sensations in our body, we can stay rooted in the present moment. Our mind and body become one in awareness, and we are in harmony. For the next few weeks, practice listening to the wisdom of your body. Can you recognise the impulses occurring throughout the day? Keeping a journal or diary can be a great way to make sense of your experiences. Search for a recurring pattern or theme amongst the sensations. You might notice, for example, that tension and anxiety levels are higher during the working week, and lower during the weekends. Make a note of it in your journal and create more space for your body to be at ease. If we do not listen to our body when it talks to us, eventually we will hear it scream, and by then it may be too late -- after all.

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